Disclaimer: This information is put together to help others moving to Chongqing. This document is a compilation of information gathered from other expats based on their experiences. It by no means is intended to be the gospel but to provide some background information to hopefully make your transition smoother. Chongqing is a rapidly changing city so this document is a living document that may need to be updated as Chongqing and China grow and change. Please forward any updates, recommendations and/or corrections to Deborah Brown, grosseilebrown2@aol.com.
· Mail – You will need to decide how you want to handle your NA/US mail. Unfortunately the US postal service will not forward your mail to China. (I assume Canada and Mexico don’t either?) There are many options you can consider from having family or friends sort your mail for you, using a mail forwarding company such as www.earthclassmail.com (for other mail forwarding companies go to http://www.top20sites.com/Top-Mail-Forwarding-Sites to learn more) or using the following services provided by FORD for FORD US ISE’s :
Any ISE relocating to a Host Country that would like to utilize the 1705 PO Box, should contact the Post Office and any correspondent's with your updated information. Below is an example of how to address your mail:
Ford Motor Company
John Smith – China
PO Box 1705
Dearborn MI 48121-1705
Within 10 days we will begin to receive your mail here in Dearborn. We will forward your mail to you once a week on Friday via FedEx. You can receive First Class Mail (PAPER MATTER ONLY) and paid subscriptions. We do not forward any Presort Standard or Non-Profit mail overseas, as it is costly to Ford and that mail is considered junk mail. Anything non-document needs to be sent directly to you at your home address in your Host Country. If we receive something non-document (ie. Dvd, clothes, foodstuff) through the 1705 PO Box you will receive an e-mail giving you the option to have the item Returned To Sender or have someone retrieve the item from the Central Mail Room (GN125) located in the Regent Court Building.
We cannot send anything non-document through the PO Box due to the fact that the sender would have to provide a commercial invoice with the following information. 1) FedEx account number, 2) senders department number, 3) description of contents and 4) a value placed on it. This is for Custom purposes. (Duties & Taxes)
To ensure that your mail catches up with your move, please notify CENTRAL MAIL SERVICES, RCB GN125.
PH # (313) 322-0050 or send a change of address form to FAX # (313) 337-3529.
ISE’s should ensure their Corporate Directory is up to date to reflect your current location in order to receive your mail without delay, otherwise your taking a chance of your mail being returned to the USA. That has already happened to other ISE's. All incoming mail is currently sent to TDC building 3rd Floor at CQ1, it is ISE’s responsibility to pick up their mail at this location. The mail comes in once a week and if you receive mail you will receive an email letting you know.
Please note that when you return to the US, you will need to contact each correspondent to change your address back, as Box 1705 is a generic PO Box and cannot be changed by an individual.
If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact Central Mail Services (313) 322-0050
(Need confirmation if FORD US will forward mail from Canada and Mexico FORD employees or if they have other options.)
· Shipping and Receiving Packages: The following companies can ship and receive packages here in Chongqing, China
o DHL – Contact number 400-810-8000 (There are English speaking representatives to set up delivery/pickup)
o FedEx
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